Credits: butter.street/ Instagram
Moksha AKA butter.street has a simple recipe for High Protein Chocolate Makhana that has 23g of protein per cup.
Credits: butter.street/ Instagram
-3 cups of roasted makhana -100 gm of dark chocolate or any chocolate of choice -3 tbsp of peanut butter -25g of vanilla protein powder
Credits: butter.street/ Instagram
First, melt the chocolate in the microwave for 2 minutes.
Credits: butter.street/ Instagram
Then, add the roasted makhana and mix it well till its coated.
Credits: butter.street/ Instagram
Spread the chocolate makhana evenly on a baking paper.
Credits: butter.street/ Instagram
In a separate bowl, melt peanut butter and mix it with vanilla protein powder.
Credits: butter.street/ Instagram
Then, drizzle this on top of the makhana and freeze for 10 minutes. Break it into pieces and enjoy your High Protein Chocolate Makhana!
Credits: butter.street/ Instagram
Credits: butter.street/ Instagram