Make This 5-Ingredient Nolen Gur Ice Cream & Relish The Taste Of Bengal 

Credits: nehadeepakshah/ Instagram  

Nolen Gur Ice Cream Anyone?

MasterChef India star Neha Deepak Shah  shared a decadent recipe for Nolen Gur Ice Cream. 

Credits: nehadeepakshah/ Instagram  


-3/4 cup Milk Powder -1 & 1/2 cup Milk -3/4 Cup Chilled Fresh Cream -3/4 cup Nolen Gur -1/4 cup Chenna -2 tbsp Gur

Credits: nehadeepakshah/ Instagram  

Cook and reduce the milk and then keep it aside. 

Credits: nehadeepakshah/ Instagram  

Step 1

Add nolen gur, chenna or paneer and let it simmer on low heat. Keep stirring it. 

Credits: nehadeepakshah/ Instagram  

Step 2

Add nolen gur, reduced milk, thick fresh cream and milk powder to a blender. Blend this till it becomes a smooth mixture. 

Credits: nehadeepakshah/ Instagram  

Step 3

Add this mixture to a container and place this in the freezer to semi-set. 

Credits: nehadeepakshah/ Instagram  

Step 4

Step 5 

Take it out of the freezer and add the chenna-nolen gur mixture andlet it freeze again. Your Nolen Gur Ice Cream is ready! 

Credits: nehadeepakshah/ Instagram  

When are you planning to make this? 

Credits: nehadeepakshah/ Instagram