8 Tips To Fluff Up Your Breakfast Omelette Game

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Credits: Unsplash

1. Fresh Ingredients

Start with fresh eggs and quality ingredients. Use farm-fresh eggs for the best flavour and texture.

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2. Preparation

Whisk the eggs thoroughly with a pinch of salt and pepper. Some add a dash of milk or cream for a creamier texture.

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3. Cooking

Use butter or olive oil in your pan for added flavour. Let the pan heat up before adding the eggs to ensure a good cook.

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4. Heat Control

Use medium heat for cooking the omelette. High heat might result in a browned exterior before the inside is properly cooked.

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5. Filling Arrangement

Prepare your filling ingredients in advance. Have them chopped and ready to go. Layer the fillings evenly over the partially cooked eggs.

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6. Timing

Don't overcook! The perfect omelette is slightly runny in the centre. Cook until the edges are set but the middle is still a bit wet.

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7. Technique

Use a spatula to gently fold the omelette in half once the bottom is cooked. Tilt the pan and let the omelette slide to one side before folding.

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8. Finishing Touches

Once folded, let it cook for a few more seconds to ensure everything melds together. Slide it onto the plate and, if desired, garnish with fresh herbs or a sprinkle of cheese.

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Enjoy your fluffy, perfectly cooked omelette!