8 Things About Dark Chocolate All Chocolate Lovers Should Know About

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1. The Higher The Cocoa Percentage, The More Intense The Flavour

Dark chocolate comes in varying cocoa percentages, typically ranging from 50% to 100%. The higher the percentage, the more bitter and intense the chocolate tastes.

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2. It's Packed With Antioxidants

Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids and polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that contribute to heart health, improved blood circulation, and even glowing skin.

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3. Not All Dark Chocolate Is Created Equal

Just because a bar is labelled ‘dark chocolate’ doesn’t mean it's high quality. Look for chocolate with minimal ingredients—ideally just cocoa mass, cocoa butter, and a little sugar.

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4. It Can Elevate Your Mood Naturally

Dark chocolate contains serotonin and theobromine, two compounds that have been linked to mood enhancement.

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5. It's Surprisingly Good For Your Heart

Studies suggest that moderate consumption of dark chocolate may help lower blood pressure and improve overall cardiovascular health.

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6. The Bean's Origin Affects The Taste

Just like coffee or wine, dark chocolate’s flavour is influenced by the region where the cacao beans are grown.

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7. Pairing it With The Right Foods Enhances Its Flavour

Dark chocolate pairs wonderfully with various foods and beverages like red wine, sea salt, nuts, etc.

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8. It’s Best Enjoyed At Room Temperature

For the best tasting experience, let your dark chocolate sit at room temperature before eating it.

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