Two security guards were injured when robbers blew up a cash-in-transit vehicle at a shopping centre in Shallcross, Durban, on Monday. (ALS Paramedics Medical Services/Facebook)

Two security guards were injured when robbers blew up a cash-in-transit vehicle at a shopping centre in Shallcross, Durban, on Monday.

Bystanders captured the incident on video. A clip showed a white bakkie, which appeared to be the robbers’ getaway car, reversing close to the blown-up vehicle.

ALS Paramedics spokesperson Gareth Jamieson said paramedics went to the scene at around 18:30. Police and other security officials were already there.

“Paramedics assessed two security officers who had sustained moderate injuries from the assault and robbery, and they were stabilised on the scene before being transported to a nearby hospital for the further care that they require.”

SAPS spokesperson Colonel Robert Netshiunda confirmed on Monday that police were at the scene.

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