The 19-year-old man arrested for assault on an elderly woman is being held in the hospital wing of Pollsmoor Prison after a suicide threat. (Screenshot)

The 19-year-old man caught on video allegedly beating an 82-year-old woman will be held in the hospital wing of Pollsmoor Prison, for fear that he may take his own life.

The Kuils River Magistrate’s Court ordered that Luvo Gqaza be moved to the hospital wing after he reportedly told the investigating officer that he was contemplating suicide.

The video, which sparked widespread outrage, shows the elderly woman being beaten and falling to the floor on her knees. 

READ | ‘Beat me to death’: Cape Town man arrested after being seen on video assaulting grandmother

The teen faces charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm, as well as the contravention of the Older Persons Act.

The court matter has been postponed to 12 July for a bail application.

NPA spokesperson Eric Ntabazalila said the State intends to oppose bail. He added that the victim remains in hospital, and “fears for her life”.

More to follow.

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