Refilwe, Bontle, and Candice Modiselle are all in the entertainment industry. (Frennie Shivambu/Gallo Images/Getty Images)

  • The Modiselle sisters, Refilwe, Bontle and Candice, are all well-established in the South African entertainment industry.
  • While the sisters have all shared career paths at one point, middle sister Bontle shares that their diversity has helped them steer clear of sibling rivalry.
  • According to Bontle, their four-year age gaps have helped give each of them their own time to flourish in the industry.

Sibling rivalry is prevalent in many households with little children, and it often follows into adulthood. For adult siblings who follow the same or similar career paths, sibling rivalry is even more common as each person guns for the spotlight.

While the competition is usually silent, signs of it may appear evident to outsiders. But why does it happen? According to a Verywell Mind article, sibling relationships are complex and influenced by various factors.

Favouritism, life events, and experiences outside of the family are all to blame. Local media personality Bontle Modiselle recently opened up about having siblings in the entertainment industry and whether or not they have had any sibling rivalry.

The Modiselle sisters have been in the industry for years and are well-loved by their fans. Oldest sister, Refilwe, 38, is a model and TV presenter who started her modelling career at 13. The 33-year-old Bontle – the middle sister – is a choreographer who has also dabbled in acting, singing and TV presenting.

Little sister Candice, 29,  followed suit, venturing into presenting and acting. With their careers so closely related, many fans have wondered whether the sisters sometimes secretly compete.

Answering this question on a recent episode of the popular YouTube show Spreading Humour, also known as The Bantweezys, Bontle clarified that each sister is slaying in their own ways.

According to her, they’ve never had sibling rivalry. She shared: “People would think so. And, obviously, if you have siblings, there might be that kind of rivalry, but we don’t have that kind of relationship. We are very supportive, and we have a really good friendship between us.”

She also highlighted that each of them entered the industry differently and at different times.

“There’s also a four-year gap between Refilwe and then myself and Candice. So, we have been through different stages of entering the entertainment space at different times. Also, our point of entry was very different”.

Bontle emphasised that their diversity and different interests have made their bond more robust and not competitive. She shared: “We have also diversified. We have also gone into different things.”

READ MORE | Sibling rivalry and family dysfunction: Clinical psychologist on healing childhood wounds

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