A man last seen crossing the river has still not been found. (Supplied/IPSS Medical Rescue)

A 21-year-old man, last seen at the Tugela River in KwaZulu-Natal, is yet to be found. 

On Sunday afternoon, IPSS Search & Rescue received reports of the man attempting to cross the Tugela River.

IPSS Search & Rescue teams, Empangeni SAPS K9 Search & Rescue, and KDM Water Safety searched the section of the river where the man had last been seen.

“Unfortunately, due to fading light, the search was called off. 

“On Monday morning, teams returned to continue the search,” said IPSS.

It said the search had continued along the river, using K9s, divers, watercraft and drones.

“The search continues for the missing man,” said IPSS. 

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