Police Minister Senzo Mchunu. (Gallo Images/Die Burger/Theo Jeptha)

Almost 6 200 people were murdered in South Africa between the start of April and the end of June.

Police recorded 6 198 murders across the country, according to the South African Police Service’s quarterly crime statistics.

Although the number of murders decreased for the quarter year-on-year, four of the country’s nine provinces experienced an increase in murder, according to Police Minister Senzo Mchunu.

The police shared data from the last quarter of the previous financial year (January to March) and the first quarter of the current financial year (April to June).

“When I look at these statistics, there is a general increase. That should worry us most,” Mchunu said.

The police also recorded 11 566 sexual offences for the first quarter of this financial year.

More to follow.

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