Health department spokesperson Foster Mohale has expressed concerns over the Mpox outbreak, saying cases were expected to rise in the coming weeks. (Lefty Shivambu/Gallo Images)

  • Four more cases of Mpox have been recorded in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal.
  • The recent cases include two teenage boys and two men from Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal.
  • Health department spokesperson Foster Mohale said cases were expected to rise in the coming weeks.

The health department has said the number of Mpox cases is expected to rise as it intensifies contact tracing of people who have interacted with those who have tested positive for the virus.

This as the country records four more cases of Mpox in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal.

The recent ones include a 17-year-old from Hillbrow in Johannesburg, a 37-year-old from Pretoria East, a 29-year-old from the West Rand, and a 19-year-old from Durban in KwaZulu-Natal.

This brings the total number of cases to 20, with three deaths since the outbreak in May.

REDA | WHO ships more mpox meds to SA as cases climb

Health department spokesperson Foster Mohale said of the 20 cases, 15 received a clean bill of health, while five remained hospitalised due to severe health complications compounded by either unmanaged or recently diagnosed underlying conditions such as HIV. 

Only one of the five cases was a re-admission for further medical attention.

“This is a testimony that Mpox is a treatable disease if diagnosed early for effective treatment, hence [why] people are urged to seek healthcare once they experience Mpox-like symptoms or come into direct contact with someone who tested positive,” Mohale added. 

“The National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) has received over 130 test requests since the outbreak of Mpox in South Africa.”

A breakdown of Mpox cases. (Supplied/Department of Health)

A breakdown of Mpox cases. (Supplied/Department of Health)

He said contact tracing was one of the critical tools available to effectively break the chains of local transmission and control the Mpox outbreak and urged possible contacts to cooperate with healthcare officials.

“We appeal to all contacts of confirmed cases and suspected cases to cooperate with health workers during contact tracing, screening, and 21-day monitoring period to ensure no case is left undetected.

“All people with suspected symptoms are reminded to visit the nearest healthcare facility right away for clinical evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment options instead of self-diagnosing and isolation.”

Mohale said another batch of Mpox specific treatment, known as Tecovirimat, was expected to arrive in the country in the next few weeks.

Of the 20 cases, 10 were recorded in Gauteng, nine in KwaZulu-Natal and one in the Western Cape. All cases are of men aged between 17 and 43.

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