Solo dating, self-dating, or “masturdating,” whatever you want to call it, the act of treating yourself to dates and enjoying your own company is seeing a rising trend, and it’s evident on social media. (Alina Rudya/Bell Collective via Getty Images)

Romantic love is great, but at the end of the day, the relationship you have with yourself is the most important. So why not nourish that and treat yourself to a little solo date?

What is solo-dating?

Solo dating, self-dating, or “masturdating” whatever you want to call it, the act of treating yourself to dates and enjoying your own company is seeing a rising trend, and it’s evident on social media. Just searching #solodate on TikTok returns a flurry of videos with creators extolling the virtues of the solo date, their importance and some of the best places to go to have a little “me time.” With over 200 million views, it’s not just a fad.

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