Co-accused Oscar Jegou (Rodrigo Valle/Getty Images)

The woman who accused two French international rugby players of raping her while on tour in Argentina last month, will miss a court hearing on Tuesday after a failed suicide attempt, her lawyer said.

The 39-year-old tried to take her own life last Friday, lawyer Mauricio Cardello told AFP Monday.

She was doing better, Cardello said, but would not attend a hearing on Tuesday where the men – Oscar Jegou and Hugo Auradou – are expected to file a motion for the dismissal of the case.

Auradou and Jegou, both 21, were arrested in Buenos Aires two days after winning their first international caps against Argentina in Mendoza.

Matias Alemanno of Argentina wins a lineout against Hugo Auradou of France during a Test at Estadio Malvinas Argentinas on 6 July 2024 in Mendoza, Argentina. (Rodrigo Valle/Getty Images)

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They were charged with aggravated rape of a woman they had met in a bar after the match.

The complainant says she was violently and repeatedly raped by the pair, who insist there was a consensual sexual encounter.

The sportsmen were released from detention into house arrest on 17 July, then freed under supervision, though barred from leaving Argentina.

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