Nama Xaba on the charge during his time with the Stormers. (Photo by Ashley Vlotman/Gallo Images)

The Bulls confirmed on Wednesday that former Stormers flanker Kuyenzeka ‘Nama’ Xaba has signed for the Pretoria-based franchise.

Xaba has signed a two-year deal until June 2026.

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Hailing from KwaZulu-Natal, the former Glenwood High pupil represented the University of Cape Town and made 25 appearances for the Stormers.

On his move to the Bulls, Xaba said the new challenge excited him.

“This is a privilege for me to come join the most successful union in South Africa,” Xaba said.

“I am looking forward to a different challenge away from my comfort zone. There is a lot of quality players at the Vodacom Bulls and I want to play alongside them. I also have a wonderful opportunity to be taught by seasoned coaches, I am looking forward to learning from them.

“I cannot wait to slot into the brand of rugby this club plays and I have hopes of doing my bit to help add more silverware to the Loftus trophy cabinet.”

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