General view of the protest against the BELA Bill outside Cape Town Parliament on 26 October 2023 in Cape Town. (Gallo Images/ER Lombard),

By signing the controversial Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill into law, President Cyril Ramaphosa will violate both the letter and spirit of the joint statement of intent which forms the foundation of the government of national unity.

This is according to DA leader John Steenhuisen, a key member of the GNU, over an issue that looks set to become the first major obstacle for the four-month-old unity government. 

On Friday, Ramaphosa will sign the BELA Bill into law at the Union Buildings, the Presidency announced on Wednesday. 

According to Steenhuisen, the DA made it clear during its negotiations that the BELA Bill was unacceptable to the DA in its current form. 

“Because it has constitutional implications for the right to mother-tongue education, amongst other issues. The DA urged President Ramaphosa to send the Bill back to Parliament for a few simple amendments to bring it in line with the Constitution.”

More to follow 

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