Negotiation standoff: The DA wants Cyril Ramaphosa to honour the initial Cabinet offer. (Gallo Images/Darren Stewart)

The DA’s leadership has resolved to tell President Cyril Ramaphosa that he must abide by the offer for Cabinet positions he made to the party on Tuesday – otherwise the agreement between the DA and ANC is off.

Ramaphosa, on Wednesday night, altered the terms of the offer, replacing an offer for the minister of trade, industry and competition with the minister of tourism. He also changed the offer of seven deputy ministers to six deputy ministers, although the offer of six ministerial positions remains the same.

This has angered the DA’s leadership and negotiating team, who are outraged at Ramaphosa backtracking on his own offer after the DA accepted it. News24 has been told that there is “unanimity” in the negotiating team and the broader leadership of the party that Ramaphosa’s revised offer is “not acceptable”.

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