Voters prefer a coalition between the ANC, DA and Multi-Party Charter partners, according to a survey. (Alfonso Nqunjana/News24)

  • A survey by the Brenthurst Foundation found that South African voters would most prefer a government of coalition between the ANC, DA and Multi-Party Charter partners.
  • 85% of DA voters and 37.4% of ANC voters prefer this option, while 71.3% of MK Party voters prefer an ANC/MK Party coalition.
  • In Gauteng, an ANC/DA coalition is most preferred, while an MK Party/ANC coalition is most popular in KwaZulu-Natal.

A coalition between the ANC, DA and Multi-Party Charter (MPC) parties has the most support among South Africans, according to a survey by the Brenthurst Foundation.

According to the poll, 40.2% of the respondents expressed support for an ANC/DA/MPC coalition, 19.5% for an ANC/MK Party match-up ,and 11.5% for an ANC/EFF coalition.

An ANC/MK Party/EFF coalition received 9.6% support and an ANC minority government only 5.8%.

More than half of surveyed Gauteng voters (54.9%) prefer an ANC/DA/MPC coalition, while 13.1% prefer an ANC/EFF coalition. Only 6.8% prefer an ANC minority government, while 2.3% preferred an ANC/MK Party/EFF collaboration.

At 40.4% support, an MK Party/ANC government is the most popular option in KwaZulu-Natal, followed by an ANC/DA/MPC coalition at 23.2% and an MK Party/ANC/EFF coalition at 19.6%.

Among ANC voters, an ANC/DA coalition is the most popular option at 37.4%, followed by an ANC/EFF coalition at 20.2% and an ANC/MK Party at 15.2%, an ANC minority government at 14.5%, and an ANC/MK Party/EFF coalition at 8.8%.

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DA voters overwhelmingly prefer an ANC/DA coalition at 85%, while 8.3% prefer an ANC minority government.

Similarly, a vast majority of MK Party voters (71.3%) prefer an ANC/MK Party coalition, while 19.1% prefer an ANC/MK Party/EFF coalition.

Sabi Strategy conducted the survey on behalf of the Brenthurst Foundation using telephonic interviews of 1 000 randomly selected respondents following the elections. The survey has a 3% margin of error at 95% confidence interval.

The Brenthurst Foundation is a think tank established by the Oppenheimer family in 2004.

Members of the Oppenheimer family have made donations to the DA, ActionSA, IFP, UDM, Rise Mzansi and Build One South Africa.

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