NSRI said the man reportedly went for a swim at the beach while on an arranged tour at the Cape Vidal Nature Reserve. (Brenton Geach/Gallo Images)

A 47-year-old British tourist drowned at the Cape Vidal Nature Reserve in KwaZulu-Natal on Sunday.

The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) said its St Lucia duty crew received a call from Ezemvelo Wildlife rangers at 13:32 about a drowning in progress at a remote beach.

NSRI spokesperson Craig Lambinon said rescue swimmers joined the rangers at the scene.

“A man, aged 47, a British tourist, was recovered from the surf zone by NSRI rescue swimmers. Sadly, the man was found to be deceased,” he said.

“It appears that, while on an arranged tour to Cape Vidal Nature Reserve, the man reportedly went for a swim at the beach, where he was observed to be in difficulty in the surf zone and the alarm was raised.”

Lambinon said police had opened an inquest docket.

“Condolences are conveyed to the family of the deceased man,” he said.

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